Can you believe how quickly this thing is flying by? It's unreal! In the last three weeks I didn't feel like I'd grown much, but comparing the pictures, wow! Craziness! Where did all of that baby come from??
I have been feeling pretty good lately, although I feel like the true weight of this pregnancy is starting to pull me down a bit. The downward pressure I've been feeling has been tremendous! Almost like a throbbing pain sometimes, and I almost can't even feel it other times. I can hardly get myself up from the lying down position, and I waddle everywhere I go with sort of a rocking from side-to-side motion, just because it's easier to build momentum! It's tough to find a comfortable place to have the seat belt now, and even people around me can see the baby moving. I'll just be sitting at dinner, and my relatives will start laughing at me because my tummy is dancing. Baby G actually got his/her tiny little foot stuck in my ribs the other day, and I had to pull a crazy yoga maneuver to dislodge it from said position. That was painful! This baby kicks with a vengeance!
Stairs are a bit of a chore now, and since I've got to do a flight of them every time I have to use the bathroom in the night, it's getting to be a bit of a challenge. It takes me a good five minutes to tackle the stairs themselves without, well, lets just say it. Without having a delightful middle of the night bladder accident. I've been peeing constantly lately, all the time. Usually if I go from the lying down/reclining position to the sitting up or standing position, I immediately have to find a washroom. Something about how the baby's positioned that just gets my bladder.
Matthew's been talking to the baby every single night, singing sweet lullabies or just telling it stories about how mommy and daddy met, or about how wonderful mommy is. He knows exactly all the right things to say. He runs upstairs to retrieve me things, runs to the store to grab me Oh Henry bars, spontaneously cuts up pineapple for me because I MUST have it, and gives me massages whenever I ask. He is absolutely a prince, in absolutely every way. He'll even be my tripod when I need someone to hold up the camera while I pose for my super chic maternity vogue. I just can't get over what a great daddy he's going to make.
My weight is sitting at about 173 right now! That's 6 pounds overall so far! Huh? Come on, folks! I'm doing pretty good on the weight gain thing, I think. Plus, during this last trimester, I'm certain the weight packs on a lot faster. Especially since baby gains about half a pound a week now! So, a lot of the weight that's coming up won't even be mine, it'll be all the stuff of dreams! The amazing fat that's going to form the delicious rolls that will cover my little one. I can just imagine sinking my teeth into them now...
I'm really enjoying being pregnant, though. I've only got two more months left of work, and I feel so beautiful. I'm also super psyched that I turned out to be one of those pregnant ladies that only gets pregnant in the front. I get a lot of surprised expressions in lineups, when I turn around and almost sock people with my enormous belly. They can't even tell from the back that I'm pregnant! And if I wear black, from the front, you can't really tell either. That's why I threw in a shot from the front this time around, so I could not only showcase how monstrous my gams have gotten (which is pretty monstrous, by the way. 36B's to 38C's?? That's HUGE!) But also to show that this pregnancy is sitting ALL in the front. My love handles haven't even budged. Some people say that it means the baby's a boy. And then some people say it means the baby's a girl. So - I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Can't wait to meet Baby G!
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