Tuesday, August 10, 2010

17 Weeks

Another monthly check-up today! Got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which was just as brilliant as ever. It's slowed down to about 140 bpm, which is exactly where it's supposed to be right now. And I got to have that reassurance that it is in fact in there, which is excellent! I'm telling you, I'm not going to fully believe it until that ultrasound in September!

The doctor said that everything's great! Uterus size is great, the fact that I STILL haven't gained any weight is not really any concern to him, my blood pressure's perfect, the baby's heartbeat is perfect, all systems are go! I didn't even really have any questions for him! Just a quick and painless check-up and a couple of magical thump-thumps...

After the appointment I stopped in at the lab to leave a urine sample (like always) and so that they could take blood for the screening test. My nurse was a bit of a spaz, poked around my right arm for a while until she decided to switch arms. I'm still a little sore, but I can't get the good nurse EVERY time, right?

Matt's been steadily reading the baby book, and bringing up random facts about it! It's kinda nice, seeing him get really involved and excited about this. He's going to make such a good dad. Just picturing him holding a baby gives me butterflies like when we first started dating... Sigh.

My bump is definitely growing, and I'm going to have to post another baby bump picture soon. It almost seems like within the last week I've expanded exponentially.

Oh, and my doctor changed the due date again! :P Every time I see that guy he's got a new date for me, based on all of these crazy factors that are running through his head. The first time we saw him the date was January 23rd. The second time we saw him the date was January 29th. Sometime after that he was convinced it was January 15th, but now he's absolutely certain that its January 19th. I guess we won't know until that definitive ultrasound for sure when this baby's coming.

I'm also trying to get caught up in the pregnancy journal I bought, I've really got a lot of catching up to do. But I picked it up from Chapters, and it's really cute! All of these prompting questions, and places for photographs and baby facts. I've just got so much on my plate right now its hard to find the time!

Matthew lay against my stomach last night and hummed a song into it. As the baby can't really tell the difference between humming, and actual words, he just silently and sweetly hummed for a while. The vibrations of his low voice were soothing and calming. He's also been giving me semi-daily back and neck massages because he's a sweetheart.

I just love that guy so much. I can't believe we get to have such an adventure together! We are just so ready!

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