She's had it pretty rough thus far but she is a trooper. She's making nightly trips to the bathroom now and unfortunately that means about a two mile hike all the way upstairs, down the hallway and back again. I too find myself running up and down the stairs almost constantly for her. She requires so much milk it's scary. Especially for all the cereal. Don't get me wrong, I so love to do it. I do it just for the appreciative smiles I get in return.
I'm so lucky that I get to spend so much time with her. I think that I would really regret missing all the little things that happen. The kicks, the punches and all the squirming is pretty amazing. All the stuff the baby does is okay too I guess. :)
One of my favorite things would have to be the grocery runs. The most recent one happened just yesterday. I was driving back from school when Holly calls me and asks me to get three things: Lucky Charms, Miracle Whip and an Oh Henry bar. Even though she didn't end up making some kind of abominable mixture but in fact had specific purposes in mind for each of these things, I couldn't help but remember all those typical TV depictions of the pregnant woman's "cravings" and have a small chuckle as to where my life has taken me now.
She is such a sweet woman and such an amazingly beautiful wife. She is already a mom and by now I am so exited for when I get to truly be a dad. It's been six months now and I'm so looking forward to when this whole thing draws to a close.
Thank you sweetheart.
Boy or Girl, I am gonna love my new family more than I ever have before.
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